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Learn All About Iron On Patches

Iron on patches are a versatile and popular way to personalize and decorate clothing, bags, hats, and other items. Iron on patches are especially popular because they have a classic, handcrafted look that adds character and charm to any item. The best part is that they are easy to apply with just an iron and some heat. In this article, I will introduce you to the different types of iron on patches available, creative DIY […]

How Motorcycle Clubs Can Make Use of Patches

Patches make you stand out in the biker community. It’s a mark of honor and heritage for your club. A motorcycle club can’t be a motorcycle club without it’s own unique patches. Three piece patches are often seen on jacket backs of bikers. Even though these patches seem to be just plain old biker fashion, patches have a significance in the biker community that only bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts can resonate with. Never out of […]

Four Ways To Attach Patches To Hats

Custom patches for hats are more popular than ever these days. People who want to get their message out there for all to see are looking for the best ways to spread their message, and creating custom products is one of the best ways for them to do this. While hats are one of the more popular custom products people are choosing to get their word out, T-shirts, jackets, and backpacks are also popular choices. […]

How To Use Patches On Uniforms

Many occupations, professions and businesses require wearing a uniform. Some of the more popular include the military, firefighters, law enforcement, restaurants, nurses, pilots, security companies, hotels and many more. As part of a professional dress code, uniforms can be distinguished by using patches, be placed in the right location, and be attached using the correct attachment method.  Designing and creating custom patches for uniforms is an essential practice, because patches on uniforms can identify the person […]

How To Make Airsoft Patches For Your Team

With many options and inspirations out there, it can be difficult to decide where to start when making custom airsoft patches for your team. From shape to size, there’s a wide range of possibilities and decisions that need to be made before customizing a patch. If you want to place an order with us, read on for a complete guide on how to design perfect patches for your airsoft team! What is an airsoft patch? […]