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How To Clean Embroidered Patches

Embroidered patches have been a long-standing favorite for expressing personal style and affiliations. Whether you’re showcasing your military rank, adding a touch of fashion to your denim jacket, or paying homage to your hobbies, these small yet significant additions to your clothing can make a big statement. However, like any valuable item, embroidered patches require a certain level of care to ensure they remain vibrant and intact. In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through […]

How To Design Custom Patches on a Budget

One of the most significant factors that impact the cost of custom patches is the artwork and design. The complexity, size, and number of colors used used to create a patch design can all influence the final price. To create budget-friendly custom patches, consider the following design tips: Consider the Main Aesthetics The first and foremost rule to design cost effective custom patches is to consider the main aesthetics of the patch like colors, size […]